The journey of grieving and how to find healing.
No matter how well prepared we are for the loss of a family member or friend, we can be caught off guard by the depth of our emotions. We find ourselves reacting in ways we had not anticipated and often find that our beliefs and relationships with others undergo trying times.
The grief process has a life of its own. It is a unique and profound time. We face what we have lost, our own mortality, and the challenge of learning to live without that special person. The journey can be overwhelming, confusing and even frightening, because our feelings are so intense and often out of control. It takes time, compassion for yourself and a willingness to allow this grief to evolve into a healing experience and renewed life.
The St. Paul Bereavement Support Group is NOT a counseling session, but a time and place for you to connect with others who have lost a loved one.
Sessions are held on Wednesday afternoons. Please call either Janis Ruiz or Debbie Vasquez to reserve a spot!
Please let us know you're attending!